Saturday, February 25, 2012

The attack on traditional American values

‎" All we're doing is defending traditional values. All we're doing is defending the institutions and the traditions that have made this country great . . . Oh, so we can't defend all these great traditions, but the left can attack them? The left can attack them and rip them apart and tear them down, and that's good politics? Is that what we're to believe?

We're supposed to sit by while great traditions and institutions like marriage are ripped to shreds. Obama, just as a dictator would, demands that contraception be free and paid for. He can't do that! . . . We conservatives are on defense on these matters. We're not trying to change the world. We're trying to preserve it! . . .

We're not the ones that issued the rule violating the First Amendment. They did! We didn't go to federal court to impose our will and to claim that the will of the people is unconstitutional. They did! We are not the ones doing social experiments with the US military. They are! And yet we're divisive? We're anti-modern? We're unfocused? We're old-fashioned? We're racist, sexist, bigot homophobes? I'm sorry, I am not gutless." ~ Rush Limbaugh

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